Professional Photography |
Let us capture your most important moments of your life. Make the right choice while planning your wedding. We will travel anywhere in US & Canada to make your special moments momorable for LOWEST PRICES. Photo-Portfolio is coming soon. Click Here to see a sample of wedding pictures we took. We use the best brand, CANON photo equipment for highest quality photos and portraits.
Contact Us to find out rates or any other information. |
Advanced Web Designing and Programming |
We offer Professional Web Design service for your business, company, musical band, club, sport team or whole league, or your personal website. We use following computer languages to provide the best service: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, Flash Animations, C# for windows aplications, MySQL Database for database driven websites, and MsSQL database for windows applications. Check out some of the websites we did:
- Protech
- EnjoyMP3s
- VitaminXP
Contact Us for rates, and more information. |
Computer Building, Repair, Technical Service |
Don't worry if your computer doesn't work, ... most likely it's not dead ... it's probably just waiting for us to fix it. We are serving Rochester, NY Area with onsite computer repair, upgrades, system recovery, building custom systems and more. Just give as a call at (585) 265-1019 or Contact Us by E-Mail and tell us how can we help you. Rates depend on service provided and time spent. |