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How to Use This Site Post Pictures

    Post Pictures to Public Album

    Now you can share your photos Uploading them to Public Album.

    Upload means "Load from your computer to other computer or server"
    Download means "Load from other computer or server to your computer"

    To upload your pictures to Photo Gallery -> Public Album, go to Public Album section and click on [Add Photos] button. If you are not Loged-In, it will tell you to Log-In before you can upload photos.

    If you are Loged-In, follow these steps:

    • Click [Browse...] button next to File Name field.
    • Find and select photo from your computer that you would like to upload
    • Click [Open] in dialog box
    • Type in Picture Name (optional)
    • Select category that pictures belongs to (if it's people on picture, select "User Pictures"
    • Click [Submit] button and wait untill picture uploads and site will tell you that picture is uploaded.

    Do same with every photo you want to upload. You will be able to Delete or Rename your picture at any time.


  • Picture file size must be under 2 MB (2,000 KB)
  • Picture file type must be only JPEG (extantion: .jpg or .JPG)
  • You must be a Registered user and Loged-In.

    Reduce File Size:
    If the file size is larger than 2 MB, here is how to resize it in Windows XP:

  • Right-Click on picture
  • From menu select Edit
  • In Paint program click Image menu -> Stretch/Scew
  • In Stretch section lover percentage to 70% for width and height
  • Click OK
  • From File menu select Save As..
  • Choose a location to save New, Resized picture (make sure you are not overwriting your original picture, because resized picture is lower quality, and you want to keep higher quality)
  • Type File Name somehow different from the original File Name
  • Choose File Type: JPEG
  • Click [Save] button

    Now you can follow steps specified abow to upload picture, and hopefully it's gonno be alright. If file size is still too large, do the same again to lower it to about 1.8 MB.

  • Published on: 2006-03-18 Author: admin